知识分子: intellectual; the intelligen ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有: 5年 fifteen years知识: knowledge; know-how; science知识分子的: highbrow反知识分子的: anti-intellectual有智力的,名词,有知识者,知识分子: intellectual有知识的: acquainted; gnostic; knowledgeable; knowledgeble; scient有知识的人: egghead没有知识分子的参加实现四化是不可能的: without the participation of intellectuals the realization of the four modernizations is impossible反知识分子: anti-intellectual知识分子: intellectual; the intelligentsia; professional(s); professional men and women◇知识分子政策 policy towards intellectuals知识分子论: representations of the intellectual充分发挥知识分子的: give full play to the initiative and creativity of intellectuals塑造一个知识分子的形象: portray an intellectual未能满足知识分子的热望: fail to satisfy the cravings of educated people传统知识分子: traditional intellectual党外知识分子: non party intellectuals非凡知识分子: specific intellectual高级知识分子: highly qualified intellectuals; senior intellectural革命知识分子: revolutionary intellectuals公共知识分子: public intellectual公众知识分子: public intellectual好战知识分子: belligerati纽约知识分子: new york intellectuals