

[ gēnběnzhì ] 发音:   "根本智"的汉语解释   用"根本智"造句
  • fundamentaknowledge
  • 根本:    root; radical; basic; fundam ...
  • :    wisdom; intelligence; knowle ...
  • 本智:    sosome
  • 宋本智:    song benzhi
  • 根本:    1.(基本的; 主要的) root; radical; basic; fundamental; essential; cardinal; foundation; origin 根本利益 fundamental interests; 根本原因 basic reason; root cause; 实现根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better; 根本前提 fundamental prerequisite; 根本原则 cardinal principle; 作根本的改变 make radical changes; 第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突。 there is no conflict of fundamental interests among third world countries.2.(全然) utterly; completely; entirely; at all 他根本不懂法文。 he doesn't know french at all.3.(彻底) radically; thoroughly 问题已根本解决。 the problem has been completely solved.; 根本大法 a body of basic laws; a fundamental charter; a constitution; 根本法 fundamental law; a body of basic laws; 根本责任 ultimate liability


        根本:    root; radical; basic; fundam ...
        :    wisdom; intelligence; knowle ...
        本智:    sosome
        宋本智:    song benzhi
        根本:    1.(基本的; 主要的) root; radical; basic; fundamental; essential; cardinal; foundation; origin 根本利益 fundamental interests; 根本原因 basic reason; root cause; 实现根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better; 根本前提 fundamental prerequisite; 根本原则 cardinal principle; 作根本的改变 make radical changes; 第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突。 there is no conflict of fundamental interests among third world countries.2.(全然) utterly; completely; entirely; at all 他根本不懂法文。 he doesn't know french at all.3.(彻底) radically; thoroughly 问题已根本解决。 the problem has been completely solved.; 根本大法 a body of basic laws; a fundamental charter; a constitution; 根本法 fundamental law; a body of basic laws; 根本责任 ultimate liability
        西本智里:    tomori nishimoto
        sra基本智能测验:    sra primary mental abilities
        赛氏基本智能论:    thurstones primaryy
        根本, 完全:    at all
        根本,完全:    at all
        根本不:    anything but; anythingbut; by no means; not at all; not by a long sight; not(no)……at all; not…at all; not……at all
        根本的:    basic; capital; elementary; fundamental; primal; prime; radical; rudimentary; ultimate; underlying
        根本地:    radically; root and branch; ultimately
        根本恶:    radical evil
        根本法:    basic law; fundamental law; lex fundamentalis; loi fondamentale
        根本匠:    nemoto takumi
        根本茂:    nemoto shigekazu
        根本上:    at rock bottom; at root; at the root; basically
        根本是:    primarily
        根本性:    fundamentality
        三根本:    three roots tsawa sum
        丝毫,根本:    at all
        完全,根本:    at all
        宇根本:    unemoto
        川根本町:    kawanehon, shizuoka


        根本智的俄语:pinyin:gēnběnzhì будд. 1) основная, врождённая мудрость (как источник правды и добродетели) 2) знание основных принципов 3) интуитивное знание (мудрость)
        根本智什么意思:佛教语。 亦称无分别智、正智、真智等。 对“后得智”而言。    ▶ 明 一如 等《三藏法数》卷五: “根本智亦名无分别智, 谓此智不依于心, 不缘外境, 了一切境皆即真如, 境智无异, 如人闭目外无分别, 由此无分别智, 能生种种分别, 是名根本智。”    ▶ 章炳麟 《建立宗教论》: “如实知其无量者, 根本智之事也;如实知其部分者, 后得...


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