根本: root; radical; basic; fundam ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...基本的,根本的: fundamental根本的变化: fundamental change根本的原理: ultimata激进的,根本的: radical根本的,基本的,激进的: radical作根本的改变: make radical changes根本的经济问题: fundamental economic issue根本的经济问题3: fundamental economic issue根本的经济问题7: fundamental economic issue激进的,根本的,激进分子: radical原始的,根本的,未发展的: rudimentary最根本的领导力: primal leadership切底的,根本的,基本的,激进的: radical不可逾越的鸿沟;根本的分歧: a great gulf fixed情况发生了根本的变化: things altered fundamentally有某种根本的弱点或错误: get/have cold feet = cold have feet of clay have some basic weakness or fault根本: 1.(基本的; 主要的) root; radical; basic; fundamental; essential; cardinal; foundation; origin 根本利益 fundamental interests; 根本原因 basic reason; root cause; 实现根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better; 根本前提 fundamental prerequisite; 根本原则 cardinal principle; 作根本的改变 make radical changes; 第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突。 there is no conflict of fundamental interests among third world countries.2.(全然) utterly; completely; entirely; at all 他根本不懂法文。 he doesn't know french at all.3.(彻底) radically; thoroughly 问题已根本解决。 the problem has been completely solved.; 根本大法 a body of basic laws; a fundamental charter; a constitution; 根本法 fundamental law; a body of basic laws; 根本责任 ultimate liability根本的:属于、关于或构成基础或本质的: fundamental; of, relating to, or forming a base根本, 完全: at all根本,完全: at all根本不: anything but; anythingbut; by no means; not at all; not by a long sight; not(no)……at all; not…at all; not……at all根本地: radically; root and branch; ultimately根本恶: radical evil