

发音:   用"根本性"造句


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  1. The technical standard was not substantially exceeded .
  2. Substantial policy reforms have also been undertaken in bangladesh .
  3. The underlying concepts of limit, continuity, and so on are not there .
  4. We also make the fundamental error of announcing our resolutions to everybody .
  5. The electronic computer has brought about thorough changes in carrying out mathematical computations .


        根本性逆差:    fundamental deficit
        根本性失衡:    fundamental disequilibrium
        根本性违约:    fundamental breach of contract; non-fundamental breach
        根本性预防:    primordial prevention
        非根本性违约:    non-fundamental breach of contract; nonfundamental breath
        指根本性、本质上的:    defect fault
        根本性的,从本质上来说。:    fundamentally
        一项带根本性的措施:    a measure of fundamental importance
        本性:    natural instincts; natural character; nature; inherent quality; essential(ly)◇本性点 [数学] essential point; 本性根 [数学] essential root; 本性集 [数学] essential set; 本性奇点 [数学] essential singularity; essentially singular point; 本性上确界 [数学] essential supremum; 本性正矩阵 [数学] essentially positive matrix
        电子计算机导致数学计算的根本性变化:    the electronic computer has brought about basic changes in carrying out mathematical computations
        根本性的,一般只用于抽象的事物:    fundamental a
        根本:    1.(基本的; 主要的) root; radical; basic; fundamental; essential; cardinal; foundation; origin 根本利益 fundamental interests; 根本原因 basic reason; root cause; 实现根本好转 bring about a fundamental turn for the better; 根本前提 fundamental prerequisite; 根本原则 cardinal principle; 作根本的改变 make radical changes; 第三世界国家之间没有根本的利害冲突。 there is no conflict of fundamental interests among third world countries.2.(全然) utterly; completely; entirely; at all 他根本不懂法文。 he doesn't know french at all.3.(彻底) radically; thoroughly 问题已根本解决。 the problem has been completely solved.; 根本大法 a body of basic laws; a fundamental charter; a constitution; 根本法 fundamental law; a body of basic laws; 根本责任 ultimate liability
        本性,本身:    in oneself
        本性的:    essential
        本性点:    essential point
        本性根:    essential root
        本性集:    essential set
        本性上:    by nature
        本性态:    cost behavior
        基本性:    essemtiality; fundamentality
        根本, 完全:    at all
        根本,完全:    at all
        根本不:    anything but; anythingbut; by no means; not at all; not by a long sight; not(no)……at all; not…at all; not……at all
        根本的:    basic; capital; elementary; fundamental; primal; prime; radical; rudimentary; ultimate; underlying
        根本无效的缺陷:    vitiated by a fundamental flaw
        根本无效, 绝对无效:    absolutely void



  1. "根本违反合同"英文
  2. "根本违约"英文
  3. "根本无暇顾及挣钱"英文
  4. "根本无效, 绝对无效"英文
  5. "根本无效的缺陷"英文
  6. "根本性的,从本质上来说。"英文
  7. "根本性的,一般只用于抽象的事物"英文
  8. "根本性逆差"英文
  9. "根本性失衡"英文
  10. "根本性违约"英文


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