Notes on the rules and forms of liaochai folk poems recontinued 聊斋俚曲格律和校勘注释又续
Collating lingshu classics according rhyme 的依韵校勘
Collating and interpretation are the two most basic primary tasks in the study of excavated documents 摘要校勘与考释是整理出土文献的两项基本工作。
Carefully proofread and corrected , the series is easy to read with the clear annotations and colloquial translations 该书精心校勘,加以注解和白话翻译,易读易懂。
According to its function , the terms of gao ' s annotations can be divided into : definition , pronunoncition , quotation and verification 高注术语根据其功能,分为释义、标音、引言、校勘四大类。
考订, 校勘: textual criticism校勘,整理: collation校勘的: collative校勘学: emendation textual criticism; emendation,textual criticism校勘者: textual critic校勘古本: restore ancient text校勘律师: revising barrister校勘某书: he emended the typescript before sending it to the printers对照《圣经》原文的校勘。: lower criticism校刊的记者: a reporter for the school magazine校刊: school magazine; college journal校距中心冲头: spacing center punch校距标: range-calibrator target校具: school furniture