校勘: collate investigate; survey整理: arrange; put in order; reorg ...校勘: emendation; collate◇校勘学 textual criticism考订, 校勘: textual criticism校勘的: collative校勘学: emendation textual criticism; emendation,textual criticism校勘者: textual critic整理: arrange; put in order; reorganize; sort out; straighten out; tidy; trim 整理财政 regulate finances; 整理参考资料 sort out the reference materials; 整理行装 pack one's things for a journey; 整理房间 put a room in order; tidy (up) the room; 整理文化遗产 sort out and select from our cultural heritage; 整理化石 dress fossils校勘古本: restore ancient text校勘律师: revising barrister校勘某书: he emended the typescript before sending it to the printers对照《圣经》原文的校勘。: lower criticism调整,整理: coordinate放晴,整理: clear up改正,整理: put right后整理: avivage匹整理: piece finishing欠整理: maladjustment清理,整理: clear…off湿整理: wet finishing尸整理: resin finishing收拾,整理: clean up; clear away; clear off修改;整理: foxlover预整理: preliminary finishing整顿;整理。: set in order