- stabilizing steps
- 整顿: rectify; consolidate; reorga ...
- 步骤: step; move; procedure; measu ...
- 整顿: rectify; consolidate; reorganize; readjust; put... in good order 整顿币制 readjust the currency; 整顿财务 straightening out financial affairs; putting financial affairs in order; setting financial affairs to rights; 对现有企业的整顿、 改组和联合 streamlining, reorganizing and merging the existing enterprises; 整顿党风 rectify the working style of the party; rectify the party style; 整顿规章制度 reestablish rules and regulations; 整顿纪律 strengthen discipline; 整顿经济秩序 rectification of the economic order; straighten out the economic order; 整顿领导班子 consolidate [reorganize] a leading body; 整顿劳动组织 reorganizing work units; 整顿企业 put the enterprises in a better shape; shake-up of enterprises; consolidating enterprises; 整顿文风 rectify the style of writing; 整顿学风 rectify the style of study
- 步骤: step; move; procedure; measure 慎重的步骤 a prudent step; 解决问题的步骤 moves towards setting a problem; 采取有效步骤来改进工作 adopt effective measures to improve one's work; 有计划有步骤地进行工作 carry on the work step by step in a planned way; 下一步骤如何? what's the next step
- 克拉林顿步枪: clarington rifle