

发音:   用"整顿电价"造句
  • readjustment of prices for electricity
  • 整顿:    rectify; consolidate; reorga ...
  • 电价:    electrovalence
  • 电价:    [化学] (元素的原子失去或得到电子而表现出的化合价) electrovalence◇电价键 [化学] electrovalent bond; 电价化合物 electrovalent compound
  • 整顿:    rectify; consolidate; reorganize; readjust; put... in good order 整顿币制 readjust the currency; 整顿财务 straightening out financial affairs; putting financial affairs in order; setting financial affairs to rights; 对现有企业的整顿、 改组和联合 streamlining, reorganizing and merging the existing enterprises; 整顿党风 rectify the working style of the party; rectify the party style; 整顿规章制度 reestablish rules and regulations; 整顿纪律 strengthen discipline; 整顿经济秩序 rectification of the economic order; straighten out the economic order; 整顿领导班子 consolidate [reorganize] a leading body; 整顿劳动组织 reorganizing work units; 整顿企业 put the enterprises in a better shape; shake-up of enterprises; consolidating enterprises; 整顿文风 rectify the style of writing; 整顿学风 rectify the style of study
  • 电价的:    electrovalence; electrovalent


        整顿:    rectify; consolidate; reorga ...
        电价:    electrovalence
        电价:    [化学] (元素的原子失去或得到电子而表现出的化合价) electrovalence◇电价键 [化学] electrovalent bond; 电价化合物 electrovalent compound
        整顿:    rectify; consolidate; reorganize; readjust; put... in good order 整顿币制 readjust the currency; 整顿财务 straightening out financial affairs; putting financial affairs in order; setting financial affairs to rights; 对现有企业的整顿、 改组和联合 streamlining, reorganizing and merging the existing enterprises; 整顿党风 rectify the working style of the party; rectify the party style; 整顿规章制度 reestablish rules and regulations; 整顿纪律 strengthen discipline; 整顿经济秩序 rectification of the economic order; straighten out the economic order; 整顿领导班子 consolidate [reorganize] a leading body; 整顿劳动组织 reorganizing work units; 整顿企业 put the enterprises in a better shape; shake-up of enterprises; consolidating enterprises; 整顿文风 rectify the style of writing; 整顿学风 rectify the style of study
        电价的:    electrovalence; electrovalent
        电价键:    electrostatic bond; electrovalent bond; electrovalent linkage; electrovalentbond; heteropolar bond
        电价健:    electrovalent bond
        静电价:    electrostatic valence; electrostatic valency
        双电价:    double electrovalence
        常整顿:    seiton; systematise
        矫正,整顿:    rectification n
        整顿,调整:    rectify
        整顿;整理。:    set in order
        不饱和电价:    unsatisfied valence
        电价规则:    electrostatic valence rule
        电价化合物:    electrovalent compound; electrovatent compound
        电价化学:    electrovalence
        电价配位键:    electrovalent coordination bond
        电力电价:    power rate
        静电价规划:    electrostatic valency rule
        静电价规则:    electrostatic valence rule
        静电价原理:    electrostatic valency principle
        可变电价:    variable valence
        离峰电价:    electricity rates for off-peak hours
        配位电价键:    coordinate electrovalent bond; coordinate electrovalent linkage


  1. "整顿;整理。"英文
  2. "整顿币制"英文
  3. "整顿步骤"英文
  4. "整顿财务"英文
  5. "整顿党风"英文
  6. "整顿方法"英文
  7. "整顿改造"英文
  8. "整顿公债, 统一公债, [英]无期有息公债"英文
  9. "整顿规章制度"英文
  10. "整顿和规范土地市场秩序"英文


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