

发音:   "攻无不克"的汉语解释   用"攻无不克"造句
  • ever-victorious; all-conquering; succeed in all attacks
  • 战无不胜,攻无不克:    triumph in every battle and succeed in every invasionbe all-conqueringOne has never failed to win a battle or to take a city.There is no battle we cannot win and no fortress we cannot storm.turn out victorious wherever one heads forwin all and overcome all
  • 战无不胜攻无不克:    there is no battle we cannot win and no fortress we cannot storm
  • 不克:    (不能) be unable to; cannot 不克胜任 be unequal to the job
  • 无不:    all without exception; invariably 无不称快。 all without exception were glad. 无不为之感动。 none were unmoved. 见此惨状, 无不落泪。 no one could look at such a pitiful sight with dry eyes
  • 不克隆:    no clone


  1. He seemed to spearhead every important city so fearlessly and successfully .
  2. Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will
  3. Since the aegon vul was introduced to the market and became one of the most popular unit - linked investment - insurance products , the needs - based and consulting approach which distinguishes the aegon sales force from the others has enabled the company to exceed its objectives in adverse market conditions , living up to the reputation of the " champion force "


        战无不胜,攻无不克:    triumph in every battle and succeed in every invasionbe all-conqueringOne has never failed to win a battle or to take a city.There is no battle we cannot win and no fortress we cannot storm.turn out victorious wherever one heads forwin all and overcome all
        战无不胜攻无不克:    there is no battle we cannot win and no fortress we cannot storm
        不克:    (不能) be unable to; cannot 不克胜任 be unequal to the job
        无不:    all without exception; invariably 无不称快。 all without exception were glad. 无不为之感动。 none were unmoved. 见此惨状, 无不落泪。 no one could look at such a pitiful sight with dry eyes
        不克隆:    no clone
        金不克:    jinbuke
        无不胜:    invincibility; xm584
        不复制;不克隆:    no clone
        不克分身:    can't get away
        不克胜任:    be unequal to the job
        不克自制:    cannot contain oneself; can restrain oneself no longer; cannot control one's passion; cannot restrain oneself; have no command over oneself; lose one's head; unable to control oneself
        无敌不克:    make conquests on all sides; carry all before one; invincible
        无攻不克:    all-conquering; invincible; take strongholds by storm
        知无不言,言无不尽:    Say all you know and say it without reserve.If I know of it,I'll speak.If I speak at all,I'll tell all I know.pour out all one knows without reservationtell the truth and the whole truth
        知无不言言无不尽:    say all you know and say it without reserve
        4战无不胜:    young and dangerous 4
        礼无不答:    all courtesies must be returned
        人无不好生:    life is sweet
        体无不在:    the elements or essential things i.e
        无不包容:    nothing excluded
        无不称快:    all without exception were glad
        无不动产的:    landless
        无不覆焘:    all fall under the canopy
        无不涉猎:    dip into all subjects; touch upon all the sides without exception
        攻下:    capture; take; overcome 攻下这一关,其他问题就好办了。 once this difficulty is overcome, other problems will be easy to solve
        攻围:    investment


        攻无不克的日语:〈成〉攻撃すれば陥落しないところはない. 攻无不克,战无不胜/攻めて落ちざるはなく,戦って勝たざるはなし.百戦百勝.
        攻无不克的韩语:【성어】 공격하면 반드시 이긴다. 攻无不克, 战无不胜; 공격할 때나 싸울 때마다 반드시 승리를 거두다
        攻无不克的俄语:[gōng wú bùkè] всепобеждающий; не знать поражений
        攻无不克什么意思:gōng wú bù kè 【解释】没有攻占不下来的。形容力量无比强大。 【出处】《战国策·秦策二》:“是知秦战未尝不胜,攻未尝不取,所当未尝不破也。” 【示例】中国人民解放军~,战无不胜,所向披靡。 【拼音码】gwbk 【用法】兼语式;作谓语、定语;形容力量无比强大 【英文】all-conquering


  1. "攻丝头"英文
  2. "攻丝装置"英文
  3. "攻丝钻床"英文
  4. "攻速"英文
  5. "攻围"英文
  6. "攻下"英文
  7. "攻下敌人的桥头堡"英文
  8. "攻下冷积"英文
  9. "攻下派"英文
  10. "攻下塔朗多"英文


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