抱: carry in breast; hold with b ...腰: waist; small of the back背部: back; dorsum摔: fall; tumble; lose one's bal ...击: beat; hit; strike腰背部: the small of the back抱腰背摔: belly to belly suplex侧转抱腰背摔: spinning side belly to belly suplex角柱抱腰背摔: turnbuckle belly to belly suplex旋转抱腰背摔: spinning belly to belly suplex越顶抱腰背摔: overhead belly to belly suplex腰背部腰椎: smallofthebacklumbarvertebra在腰背部: in the small of back发生于腰背部的疽: cellulitis in the lumbar and back regions机械性腰背部疼痛: mechanical low back pain; mlbp腰背: lumbar spinal cord插入harrington钉用于腰背部脊柱融和: insertion of harrington rod for dorsolumbar fusion腰背部脊柱融合术用于假关节: dorsolumbar spinal fusion for pseudoarthrosis背部: back; [解剖学] dorsum腰部摔法: hip techniquesbelly抱腰: belly to后抱腰: pass behind the opponent; waist block腰背的: lumbodorsal腰背夹: bd-g05腰背痛: low back pain; lumbago and backache; lumbodorsal pain; pain of the lower back; pain over the back and loins