Eager to pull a prank on his chiropractor , dennis taped a bag of potato chips to the small of his back 为了跟他的脊椎指压治疗者开个玩笑,丹尼斯在他的腰背部绑了包薯片。
Eager to pull a prank on his chiropractor , dennis taped a bag of potato chips to the small of his back 为了跟他的脊椎指压治疗者开个玩笑,丹尼斯在自己的腰背部捆了包薯片。
The midline lumbosacral area , the sacroiliac joint region , the posterosuperior iliac spine , the high iliac crest area , and the low midline sacrococcygeal region are all included in the back 腰背部包括腰骶中线区、骶髂关节区域、髂部后上棘、髂骨嵴以上范围和骶尾部。
Using kneading and pushing massage techniques from the east and organic essential oils from the west , this back massage will help relax your body and mind 使用特别调配的混合按摩精油,通过舒缓的轻重适度的按摩,消除背部和腰部肌肉疲劳和酸痛不适,及时恢复腰背部能量和元气,使您活力再现。
One kneading massage pillow on neck ; rolling stroke 、 kneading and flipping massage functions on waist with two rollers ; two tapping heads on thigh ; one leg massage divice 颈部一组揉捏枕头;腰背部两大滚轮上下行走,对腰背部进行滚压、揉捏、弧摆按摩;大腿部两个捶击头;小腿部一组美腿按摩机构。
腰: waist; small of the back背部: back; dorsum腰背部腰椎: smallofthebacklumbarvertebra在腰背部: in the small of back抱腰背部摔击: belly to back slam发生于腰背部的疽: cellulitis in the lumbar and back regions机械性腰背部疼痛: mechanical low back pain; mlbp腰背: lumbar spinal cord插入harrington钉用于腰背部脊柱融和: insertion of harrington rod for dorsolumbar fusion腰背部脊柱融合术用于假关节: dorsolumbar spinal fusion for pseudoarthrosis背部: back; [解剖学] dorsum腰背的: lumbodorsal腰背夹: bd-g05腰背痛: low back pain; lumbago and backache; lumbodorsal pain; pain of the lower back; pain over the back and loins背部;后面: back背部的: dorsal; neural; retral; tergal背部地: dorsad背部化: dorsalization背部毛: back wool背部穴: points of the back颈背部: hackles山背部: yamashirobe手背部: regio dorsalis manus在背部: on the back指背部: regiones dorsales digitorum manus