抱: carry in breast; hold with b ...肩负: take on; undertake; shoulder ...颈项: neck sum背: body's back抱肩负颈背: headlock with arm included and hip roll项背: a person's back 项背相望 (walk) one after another in close succession; neck to back -- a huge jostling crowd; 不可望其项背 cannot hold a candle to sb肩负: take on; undertake; shoulder; bear 肩负光荣任务 undertake a glorious task; 肩负重荷 bear a heavy burden; shoulder heavy loads; shoulder [undertake] heavy responsibilities; 乐于肩负重担 be ready to take on heavy responsibilities颈项: neck◇颈项强痛 neck pain颈项功 颈项功: neckexercise项背强: rigid neck and back; stiff nape and back; stiffness of nape抱肩颈: neck hold肩负法: fireman's lift颈项功: neck exercise项背反张: opisthotonos项背拘急: spasm in nape and back项背相望: neck to back抱肩颈背: full buttock with locked grip around head and arm反抱肩头: basic faort headlock前面抱肩头: head and arm chancery黑肩负鼠: black-shouldered opossum黑肩负鼠属: black-shouldered opossum肩负重荷: shoulder heavy responsibilities2肩负重任: hold an important position; sustain [assume] great responsibilities; take up the heavy responsibility颈项红痛: redness and pain of the neck颈项强急: spasm of nape