颈项: neck sum强: make an effort; strive急: impatient; anxious颈项强痛: painful spasm of nape; stiffness and pain in the neck颈项强硬: neck stiffness颈项强直: neck rigidity and nape stiffness; stiffness of the neck项强: neck rigidity; rigidity of the nape; stiffness of the nape颈项: neck◇颈项强痛 neck pain颈项功 颈项功: neckexercise颈项功: neck exercise头项强痛: rigidity of nape with headache; rigidity of the nape with headache; stiffness and pain of the nape and head; stiffness and pain of the neck and head头项强硬: stiffness of the neck and head颈项红痛: redness and pain of the neck铁颈项圈: jougs抱肩负颈项背: head and arm缠住敌队颈项不放: scrag颈项脊柱牵伸悬带: glisson's disease颈项透明膜厚度: nuchal translucency thickness颈项部位物理治疗操作法: physiatric manipulation of nuchal region颈项部及肩胛部之诸肌之痉挛: cervical m. spasm颈小腹片: cervasternellum