投入: put into; throw into; input; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...投入的升级: escalating commitment投入的时间: engaged time投入的增加: escalation of commitment投入的转移: transfer of inputs投入的资本: vested capital投入的资金: input投入;投入的资金;投入的资源: input已投入的资本: contributed capital意见;投入资源;投入的人力物力: input侧重投入的预算法: input oriented budgeting初期投入的资源: initial input; primary input中期投入的资源: intermediate input编制侧重投入的预算: input-oriented budgeting实际投入的效率水准: actual input activity level投入的资金数量惊人: the capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount自动顺序投入的吹灰装置: automatic sequential soot blowers投入: put into; throw into; input; investment in 投入大量资金 invest much capital in; 积极投入工作 throw oneself into work actively; 投入战斗 throw (oneself, troops, etc.) into the battle; 投入祖国的怀抱 return to one's own country; 投入生产 put into production; go into operation; 投入怀抱 nestle in the arms of sb.; 投入运行 bringing into service; 在这部作品上投入了五年的劳动 put in five years' labour to the work; 投入产出比 input-output ratio; 投入产出分析 input-output analysis; 投入产出管理 input-output management; 投入产出系数 input-output coefficient; 投入资本 capital invested; vested proprietorship; capital input; contributed capital; vested capital; invested capital; venture capital; 投入资本所得率 rate of return on invested capital(实缴资本):股东或其他人投入的资本额。: paid-in capital使用者为取得想要的所必须投入的努力: effort users must exert我在这上面所投入的一点不比别人少: b: i've put just as much work into this as anybody else投入;输入;投入量: input把……投入: commit to奉献;投入: devote to