投入 put into; throw into; input; investment in 投入大量资金 invest much capital in; 积极投入工作 throw oneself into work actively; 投入战斗 throw (oneself, troops, etc.) into the battle; 投入祖国的怀抱 return to one's own country; 投入生产 put into production; go into operation; 投入怀抱 nestle in the arms of sb.; 投入运行 bringing into service; 在这部作品上投入了五年的劳动 put in five years' labour to the work; 投入产出比 input-output ratio; 投入产出分析 input-output analysis; 投入产出管理 input-output management; 投入产出系数 input-output coefficient; 投入资本 capital invested; vested proprietorship; capital input; contributed capital; vested capital; invested capital; venture capital; 投入资本所得率 rate of return on invested capital
The capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount . 投入的资金数量惊人。
Eventually the company funding swelled to about $100 million. 最后公司投入的资金扩大到一亿美元。
The resources previously committed might have been committed in vain . 先前所投入的人力物力可能会付诸东流。
The relations linking output and input are quantitative ones capable of expression in mathematical form . 产出和投入的关联是数量关系,可用数学形式来表示。
These systems require a human labor investment that is high by the standards of mechanized farming . 这种系统所需投入的人工,用机械化农业的标准来衡量是很高的。
Most of the work of the united nations, measured in terms of money and personnel involved, goes into the varied programmes aimed at achieving a better life for all people of the world . 从投入的财力人力来看,联合国的大多数工作是进行各项旨在为全世界人民谋求更美好生活的方案。
Q : wonderful . but , what will be your costs 问:好主意。您需要投入的成本是什么?
It offers investments for workers to put money into 它为工人投入的钱进行投资。
To get back the capital that been weapon investment 为了收回开发武器所投入的资金
The effects of achievement goals on one ' s task engagement 成就目标与任务投入的关系