投入: put into; throw into; input; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...资金: fund; capital投入;投入的资金;投入的资源: input投入的资金数量惊人: the capital sunk in it is fabulous in amount投入的资本: vested capital借入的资金: borrowed capital已投入的资本: contributed capital新注入的资金: new money初期投入的资源: initial input; primary input中期投入的资源: intermediate input新增款项;新注入的资金: new money投入的: dedicated; devoted(实缴资本):股东或其他人投入的资本额。: paid-in capital给这项工程额外注入的资金: the input of additional resources into the project投入的升级: escalating commitment投入的时间: engaged time投入的增加: escalation of commitment投入的转移: transfer of inputs嵌入的资源: embedded resource投入资金: cost i ut; cost input; invested funds资金投入: funding保存的资金: conserved funds充足的资金: gregmatt筹集的资金: financing