我: I; my; me的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...笔: pen; pencil; stylus; writing ...哎哟,我的笔不见了!: Oh,dear! My pen is missing.哎哟我的笔不见了: oh dear! my pen is missing报纸的笔调: newspaper parlance锋利的笔触: a sharp style讽刺的笔调: a satirical tone酣畅的笔墨: sth. written with ease and verve合上的笔记: closed note简洁的笔触: simple light touches久违的笔友: long lost penpal潦草的笔迹: scrawl流畅的笔调: fluent pen明快的笔调: a lucid and lively style轻松的笔调: a light touch清楚的笔迹: a distinct writing锐利的笔锋: a sharp pen上挑的笔迹: upstroke神妙的笔法: wonderful style of writing神奇的笔: a magi pen通俗的笔调: a popular style无情的笔调: and of this life he writes武断的笔调: the bowwow style优美的笔调: elegant style