我: I; my; me的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...鼻子: nose; sneezer; the nasal org ...塞: fill in; stuff住: live; lodge; reside; accommo ...了: finish; complete; end; fulfi ...鼻子塞住了: have a staffed up nose鼻子塞住: snuffle我的鼻子动了手术: i had my nose operated on我的鼻子干干的: my noe is dry用塞子塞住: spile; stopper; stopple用楔子塞住桶: quoin a cask水管塞住了the: waterpipe is clogged up笔直的鼻子: straight nose出血的鼻子: a bloody nose皇帝的鼻子: a nose for the king恐龙的鼻子: dinosaur noses线圈的鼻子: nose用…的鼻子闻: smell with…nose圆圆的鼻子: a bulbous nose直挺的鼻子: ight nose中的鼻子: ele phant这马桶塞住了: the toilet is clogged up打某人的鼻子: hit sb. on the nose刮某人的鼻子: rub sb.'s nose in the dirt