优美: graceful; fine; exquisite的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...笔调: tone; style报纸的笔调: newspaper parlance讽刺的笔调: a satirical tone流畅的笔调: fluent pen明快的笔调: a lucid and lively style轻松的笔调: a light touch通俗的笔调: a popular style无情的笔调: and of this life he writes武断的笔调: the bowwow style优美的: airy; dainty; delicate; dolce; dulcet; elegant; exquisite; graceful; gracious; polished; polite锋利泼辣的笔调: a sharp and pungent style不优美的: gracefulless; graceless; ungraceful风景优美的: scenic adj. ①having or showing beautiful natural sceneryry高贵优美的: junoesque景色优美的: scenic轮廓优美的: statuesque声音优美的: euphonious旋律优美的: harmonious euphonic; leighton; melosa; yardley音调优美的: canorous; melodious音律优美的: numerous优美的,文雅的: elegant优美的,得体的: graceful优美的爱: love by grace