我们: we全都: all; completely; without exc ...赞成: approve of; favour; agree wi ...我们全都同意: we’re all for it我们都赞成英文考试计划: we ar all in favor this plan of testing in english他们都赞成: they agree with me我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱: all of us joined lustily in the chorus他们全都努力工作: they all work hard全都是我们: it's all about us他们全都是一些毛毛楞楞的小伙子: these young fellows are all in a flurry我们都赞同这项计划: we are all in favor of this plan全都: all; completely; without exception 并不全都吃喝玩乐 not all beer and skittles; 并不是人人全都能做。 not everybody can do it. 去年栽的树全都活了。 all the trees planted last year have survived. 我的朋友并不全都吸烟。 all my friends do not smoke让我代表我们全体感谢你: let me thank you in the name of us all托您的福我们全家都好: we are all well thank you. toefl我们全部哪一天坠入爱河: we all fall in love sometime我们全体都参加了会议: we all attended the meeting赞成: approve of; favour; agree with; endorse 赞成意见 assenting views; 赞成政府的政策 approve the policies of the administration; 十票赞成, 六票反对 ten votes for and six against; 投票赞成 cast an affirmative vote; 她父亲永远不会赞成她嫁给这样的懒人。 her father will never approve of her marrying such a lazy fellow.; 赞成票 affirmative vote我们赞成降低生产成本: we are all for cutting down the cost of production但是我们全部发现的是一个空的地方: but all we found was an empty place当祭司举行告解圣事时,我们全然获得饶恕: c. when the priest does the sacrament of confession we are completely forgiven你的痛苦和憎恨决意要使我们全军覆没: your misery and hate will kill us all事实上 我们全家家都是贵行的顾客: as a matter of fact, my whole family banks here全都懂: br /186.understand all; understand all人人,全都: one and all你们全体: all of you