

发音:   用"我们缺乏经验"造句


  1. The scoundrel played upon our inexperience to gain his own end
  2. We are in the absence of experience


        我们:    we
        缺乏经验:    lack experience
        缺乏经验:    inexperience
        缺乏经验的:    green
        缺乏经验的运动员:    recruit
        缺乏经验或常识的:    this is a half-baked
        天真而缺乏经验者:    babes and suckings; babes and sucklings
        外行的缺乏经验的:    uninitiated
        这次失败是由于我们缺乏远虑而造成的:    the failure is the result of our lack of foresight
        比赛中由于判断力不强或缺乏经验而受骗:    sucker play
        他虽然很缺乏经验但在拳击比赛中仍大显身手:    although much less experienced he gave a good account of himself in the boxing match
        由于缺乏经费:    due to lack of funds
        尽管他们缺乏兴趣:    despite their lack of interest
        缺乏实际经验:    inexperience
        讲述缺乏工作经验:    stating a lack of work experience
        缺乏有保险营销经验懂得:    insurance selling experience
        我们不能生搬别人的经验:    we cannot apply mechanically other people
        他们缺吃少穿:    they are short of food and clothes
        经验:    1.(由实践得来的知识或技能) experience 经验不足 lack experience; not be sufficiently experienced; 经验丰富 have rich experience; be very experienced; well experienced; 经验之谈 remark made by one who has had experience; the wise remark of an experienced person; 间接经验 indirect experience; 交流经验 exchange experience; 介绍经验 pass on one's experience; 直接经验 direct experience; 总结经验 sum up experience; 积累经验 accumulate experience; 扩大经验 widen one's experience; 20年的航海经验 twenty years' sea-going experience; 工作经验 work experience; 她是一个有经验的主妇。 she was a housewife of experience. 经验为智慧之母。 experience is the mother of wisdom. 谁也不能忽视人类所积累的经验。 none can afford to neglect the accumulated experience of man.2.(经历) go through; experience; 经验教训 lessons from one's experience; experience and lessons; 经验主义 empiricism; 经验主义者 empiricist
        缺乏电线绝断方面的实际操作经验:    unclear
        实际上缺乏企业股份化经验:    virtually no experience with privatization
        其中不乏经典:    forever eternity farewell
        缺乏:    be short of; lack; deficiency; insufficiency; be wanting in 缺乏常识 be void of common sense; lack common sense; 缺乏经验 lack experience; 缺乏勇气 lack courage; 缺乏信心 be wanting in confidence; 缺乏技能 lack of skill; 缺乏家教 ill-bred; not properly brought up; 缺乏能力 be deficient in ability; 缺乏现金 lack of cash; 缺乏锻炼 lack of exercise (体育的); need tempering (思想的); 缺乏战斗力 have poor fighting capacity; 缺乏劳动力 be short of labour power; 缺乏创造性的作品 works that lacks originality; 缺乏证据 want of proof; absence of proof; 缺乏资金 be deficient in capital; 缺乏资源 be deficient in resources; 他缺乏能力。 he is to seek in ability. 他缺乏礼貌。 he is wanting in courtesy.; 缺乏沉着 insobriety; 缺乏持久性 fugacity; 缺乏抵抗力 irresistance; 缺乏对价 lack of value; absence of consideration; failure of consideration; 缺乏机智 witless; 缺乏纪律 undiscipline; 缺乏教育 ineducation; 缺乏节制 distemperature; insobriety; 缺乏冷静 insobriety; 缺乏力量 impotence; 缺乏练习 out of practice; 缺乏热情 unwelcome; 缺乏人性 impersonality; 缺乏实际经验 inexperience; 缺乏实际内容 tenuity; 缺乏响应性 lack of responsiveness; 缺乏协调 incoordination; 缺乏信心 unsure; 缺乏行为能力 under some incapacity; 缺乏一致[和谐] incorrespondence; dissonance; incorrespondency; 缺乏营养 faulty nutrition; 缺乏知识 inscience; 缺乏智力 misintelligence; 缺乏自信 self-doubt; unsureness; self-distrust
        有窥其教训,在生活,从我们的经验:    have gleaned its lessons in life, and learned from our experiences
        这些是我们吃了苦头总结出来的经验:    these are lessons drawn from our set backs in the past


  1. "我们全部哪一天坠入爱河"英文
  2. "我们全都劲头十足地加入了合唱"英文
  3. "我们全都同意"英文
  4. "我们全都赞成"英文
  5. "我们全体都参加了会议"英文
  6. "我们却无法回报"英文
  7. "我们确实信任你们"英文
  8. "我们确实需要从你那里得到更多的信息"英文
  9. "我们确实需要多找时间相相聚一"英文
  10. "我们确实需要一些芦苇针来加快行动"英文


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