- one and all
- 人人: everybody; everyone
- 全都: all; completely; without exc ...
- 全都: all; completely; without exception 并不全都吃喝玩乐 not all beer and skittles; 并不是人人全都能做。 not everybody can do it. 去年栽的树全都活了。 all the trees planted last year have survived. 我的朋友并不全都吸烟。 all my friends do not smoke
- 人人: everybody; everyone 人人动手 everybody takes a hand in; 人人自觉管, 事事有人管。 everybody consciously attends to things and everything is attended to. 人人身上有指标,全厂任务大家挑。 everybody has a share in fulfiling the various norms and the overall tasks of the enterprise
- 全都懂: br /186.understand all; understand all