恩怨: feeling of gratitude or rese ...情: feeling; affection; sentimen ...天: sky; heaven饶恕: forgive; pardon; excuse恩怨情天(不可饶拴: unforgiven;william munny killings恩怨情天: between love and hatred; cal; manon des sources; monon of the spring; unforgiven不可饶恕: deadly sins; the cut whore killings; unforgiven; ungorgiven不可饶恕的: schoolmaster; sovereign; unforgiving不可饶恕咒: unforgivable curses不可饶恕的罪人: lene marlin - mv; unforgivable sinner不可饶恕的罪行: deadly sins不可饶恕的, 不可原谅的: unforgiving可饶恕地: excusably怨情: a bitter love恩怨: 1.(恩惠和仇恨) feeling of gratitude or resentment [enmity]2.(怨恨) resentment; grievance; old scores 不计较个人恩怨 not allow oneself to be swayed by personal feelings; 我对他不抱个人恩怨。 i have no personal feelings against him饶恕: forgive; pardon; excuse 乞求饶恕 beg forgiveness不饶恕: take off the gloves饶恕, 饶命: give quarter痴怨情鸯: love crazy情天劫: a fatal love; song of the midnight有情天: a handful of dust; elsker dig for evigt; the earthling恩恩怨怨: kindness and enmity恩怨分明: kindness and hatred are clearly distinguished.; discriminate between love and hate恩怨在今宵: love and hate孤岛恩怨: ebb and flow