

[ chùmùjǐngxīn ] 发音:   "怵目惊心"的汉语解释   用"怵目惊心"造句
  • strike the eye and rouse the mind; be shocked at the sight of; be shocked to witness


  1. It was a horrifying suggestion .
  2. The awesome devastation caused by the tsunami made it one of history ' s worst disasters
  3. We see so many statistics that horrify us : how many are hungry , how many are illiterate , how many are denied access to clean water and sanitation
  4. Japan and the " new japan " of east asia are demonstrating this point in ways that are becoming painfully obvious to the older industrial countries


        怵目惊魂28天:    donnie darko: the director's cut
        触目惊心:    (看到某种严重的情况引起内心的震动) see the scene which is dreadful to one's mind; strike the eye and rouse the mind; a ghastly sight; horrifying; shocking (to the people); startling 我们应当从这些触目惊心的事实中吸取教训。 we should draw a moral from the startling fact
        触目惊心续集:    psycho ii
        触目惊心、精神病患者:    psycho
        惊魂记(精神病患者、触目惊心):    psycho
        在草坪上作裸体日光浴教邻居触目惊心:    scandalize the neighbours by sunbathing naked on the lawn
        我们应当从这些触目惊心的事实中吸取教训:    we should draw a moral from the startling fact
        怵目魂28天:    donnie darko
        触目惊情:    angel eyes
        触目惊森:    dog soldiers
        步步惊心:    fear of death; final ascent
        动魄惊心:    struck with fear [horror]; heart-shaking; shocking; soul-stirring; profoundly affecting
        夺命惊心:    ghost of the needle
        惊心60秒:    gone in sixty seconds
        惊心掉胆:    be frightened out of one's wits
        惊心动胆:    heart
        惊心动魄:    be struck with fright [horror];breath-taking; hair-raising; heart-stirring; make sb.'s heart leap; profoundly affecting; shake sb. to the core; soul-stirring; take one's breath (away) 若是把他所经历的事实记录下来, 那就是一部充满着大智大勇, 惊心动魄的小说。 if his experiences then had been carefully recorded, it would undoubtedly have made a suspenseful and moving book
        惊心动魄的:    lively; thrilling
        惊心洞吓:    the cave
        惊心交易:    the deal
        惊心派对:    hostile takeover
        惊心破胆:    heart startled and gallbladder broken -- extremely frightened
        惊心食人族:    jeepers creepers
        惊心之旅:    joy ride; roadkill
        怵惕:    1.[书面语] (戒惧; 忧惧; 忧心忡忡) feel apprehensive2.[中医] (心悸) palpitation caused by fright
        :    象声词(形容心跳) pit-a-pat 他的心怦怦地跳。 his heart went pit-a-pat. 她激动得心怦怦直跳。 her heart was thumping with emotion. 我能感觉到她的心在怦怦地跳。 i could feel her heart go thump-thump-thump


        怵目惊心的俄语:pinyin:chùmùjǐngxīn ошеломлять, потрясать, поражать, пугать; ошеломляющий; жуткий, ужасный
        怵目惊心什么意思:chù mù jīng xīng 【解释】看见某种严重情况,心里感到震惊。 【出处】唐·韩愈《昌黎集·贞曜先生墓志铭》:“及其为诗,刿目怵心。” 【示例】你记得复辟与龙旗的不可分离性,你便会原谅我看见“龙凤”二字而不禁~的苦衷了。(闻一多《龙凤》) 【拼音码】cmjx 【用法】连动式;作谓语、定语;形容让人震惊的场面 【英文】be horrid


  1. "怙恶不悛"英文
  2. "怙恶凌人"英文
  3. "怵"英文
  4. "怵目魂28天"英文
  5. "怵目惊魂28天"英文
  6. "怵惕"英文
  7. "怦"英文
  8. "怦然动心"英文
  9. "怦然心动"英文
  10. "怦怦"英文


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