

[ chù; xù ] 发音:   "怵"的汉语解释   用"怵"造句
  • 动词
    [书面语] (恐惧) fear
  • 怵目魂28天:    donnie darko
  • 怙恶凌人:    intimidate and oppress others
  • 怵目惊魂28天:    donnie darko: the director's cut
  • 怙恶不悛:    (坚持作恶, 不肯悔改) remain impenitent; be steeped in evil and refuse to repent; irreclaimable; persist in evil and not to repent; sticking to one's arbitrary habits; stick to one's wickedness and refuse to reform; those who have committed serious crimes and refused to mend their ways; wickedly obdurate and irreclaimable
  • 怵目惊心:    strike the eye and rouse the mind; be shocked at the sight of; be shocked to witness


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. The two young scholars were afraid .
  2. Many different films are on videotape , from exciting films to interesting plays
  3. He then rose , and paced his room with a smile it would have been terrible to witness
  4. What is your best and worst matchup , and why ? is there any particular player or players you fear more than others , and if so , why
  5. Second , the price formation in natural monopoly industry is the result that the natural monopoly enterprises compromise with consumers in the head of natural monopoly industry regulation branches


        怵目魂28天:    donnie darko
        怙恶凌人:    intimidate and oppress others
        怵目惊魂28天:    donnie darko: the director's cut
        怙恶不悛:    (坚持作恶, 不肯悔改) remain impenitent; be steeped in evil and refuse to repent; irreclaimable; persist in evil and not to repent; sticking to one's arbitrary habits; stick to one's wickedness and refuse to reform; those who have committed serious crimes and refused to mend their ways; wickedly obdurate and irreclaimable
        怵目惊心:    strike the eye and rouse the mind; be shocked at the sight of; be shocked to witness
        :    动词[书面语] (依靠) realy on 失怙 have nobody to rely on; one's father being dead; have lost one's father
        怵惕:    1.[书面语] (戒惧; 忧惧; 忧心忡忡) feel apprehensive2.[中医] (心悸) palpitation caused by fright
        忸怩作态的步子:    a camwalk voice gesture
        :    象声词(形容心跳) pit-a-pat 他的心怦怦地跳。 his heart went pit-a-pat. 她激动得心怦怦直跳。 her heart was thumping with emotion. 我能感觉到她的心在怦怦地跳。 i could feel her heart go thump-thump-thump
        忸怩作态的:    affected and effeminate homosexual


        怵的法语:动 craindre~场être timide
        怵的日语:怵chù 〈書〉恐れる. 怵惕tì/不安に思う.恐れて警戒する.
        怵的韩语:【문어】 (1)[동사] 두려워하다. 무서워하다. 벌벌 떨다. (2)[동사] 꾀다. 유혹하다. (3)[형용사] 슬프다. 처량하다. 쓸쓸하다. 서글프다.
        怵的俄语:pinyin:chù; xù гл. 1) chù бояться, страшиться; пугаться; тревожиться, робеть 2) chù грустить, печалиться 3) 怵什么意思:chù ㄔㄨˋ 1)恐惧:~惕(恐惧警惕)。~惧。~头。发~。~目惊心。 ·参考词汇: fear 惊心怵目 怵目惊心 怵惧 刿目怵心 怵场 怵惕 刿心怵目 怵头


  1. "忸怩作态的"英文
  2. "忸怩作态的步子"英文
  3. "怙"英文
  4. "怙恶不悛"英文
  5. "怙恶凌人"英文
  6. "怵目魂28天"英文
  7. "怵目惊魂28天"英文
  8. "怵目惊心"英文
  9. "怵惕"英文
  10. "怦"英文


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