- 1.[书面语] (戒惧; 忧惧; 忧心忡忡) feel apprehensive
2.[中医] (心悸) palpitation caused by fright
- 不禁心怵惕: a shudder comes o'er me
- 怦: 象声词(形容心跳) pit-a-pat 他的心怦怦地跳。 his heart went pit-a-pat. 她激动得心怦怦直跳。 her heart was thumping with emotion. 我能感觉到她的心在怦怦地跳。 i could feel her heart go thump-thump-thump
- 怵目惊心: strike the eye and rouse the mind; be shocked at the sight of; be shocked to witness
- 怦然动心: she bangs
- 怵目惊魂28天: donnie darko: the director's cut