

发音:   "得意扬扬"的汉语解释   用"得意扬扬"造句
  • be inflated with pride
  • ride high
  • 得意:    proud of oneself; pleased wi ...
  • 扬扬:    triumphantly; complacently
  • 得意扬扬的:    triumphant
  • 扬扬得意:    feel exalted; feel very pleased with oneself; be immensely proud; be proud and pleased with oneself; be quite elated; be well-contented; conceited; jauntily; look triumphant; puff up with success; proudly; revel (in sth.); self-satisfied; smug and complacent; tread [walk] on air; triumphant; with evident pride
  • 扬扬:    triumphantly; complacently 得意扬扬 be immensely proud; look triumphant


    更多例句:  下一页
  1. Mr . higginbotham looked at his wife exultantly
  2. Jenny really had her tail up after she won the competition
  3. " you just looked good ; that s why i battered you . " martin laughed and gave in
    得意扬扬地说, “你看起来挺阔的,所以我就敲你一家伙。 ”
  4. And in this mrs bolton triumphed . how he s getting on ! she would say to herself in pride
    在这一点上,波太太是得意扬扬的,她有时骄傲地对她自己说: “他是多么得手了!
  5. Sydney carton looked at his punch and looked at his complacent friend ; drank his punch and looked at his complacent friend


        得意:    proud of oneself; pleased wi ...
        扬扬:    triumphantly; complacently
        得意扬扬的:    triumphant
        扬扬得意:    feel exalted; feel very pleased with oneself; be immensely proud; be proud and pleased with oneself; be quite elated; be well-contented; conceited; jauntily; look triumphant; puff up with success; proudly; revel (in sth.); self-satisfied; smug and complacent; tread [walk] on air; triumphant; with evident pride
        扬扬:    triumphantly; complacently 得意扬扬 be immensely proud; look triumphant
        得意:    proud of oneself ; pleased with oneself; complacent 她听了这些奉承话而得意起来。 she was pleased by the flattery
        扬扬格:    spondee
        飞飞扬扬:    spread embroidered stories
        沸沸扬扬:    raise a babel of criticism of ...; bubbling with noise; discuss animatedly; give rise to much discussion; in a hubbub 他的晋升引起了大伙儿沸沸扬扬的议论。 his promotion has provoked much discussion among us
        纷纷扬扬:    drifting profusely and disorderly
        扬扬格的:    spondaic
        扬扬自得:    be proud and pleased with oneself; be complacent; be very pleased with oneself; feel oneself highly flattered; elated; flushed; self-complacent; self-contented; self-satisfied
        抑扬扬格:    bacchius
        意气扬扬:    be in high glee; cock-a-hoop; hoity-toity
        悠悠扬扬:    soft and ringing
        得意的:    beamish; complacent/inflatable; favorite; pet; proud adj
        得意地:    complacently; with stars in one's eyes
        得意技:    balls combo; finishing move
        得意妹:    no dj vesion
        得意时:    appe
        狂喜, 得意:    glory in
        使得意:    elate; flatter; preen oneself; pride oneself on
        走红;得意:    have one's moment; have one/'s moment
        逆向抑扬扬格:    antibacchius
        意气扬扬地走:    galumph


        得意扬扬的法语:avoir l'air triomphant(satisfait,épanoui être au comble de la joie;avoir l'air triomphant;être fier comme un coq
        得意扬扬的日语:とくいまんめん 得 意満 面
        得意扬扬的韩语:【성어】 득의양양하다. =[得意洋洋]
        得意扬扬的俄语:[déyì yángyáng] обр. самодовольно сиять; с самодовольным видом
        得意扬扬什么意思:dé yì yáng yáng 【解释】形容非常得意的样子 【出处】西汉·司马迁《史记·管晏列传》:“意气扬扬,甚自得也。” 【示例】郑振铎《漩涡》:“刚才我看见他和胡宗预从教务室出来,~,公然的扬言道,某某人是去定的了。” 【拼音码】dyyy 【用法】补充式;作状语;指因成功而沾沾自喜


  1. "得意忘形, 趾高气扬"英文
  2. "得意忘形(趾高气扬)"英文
  3. "得意忘形得意洋洋"英文
  4. "得意忘形地"英文
  5. "得意忘言"英文
  6. "得意扬扬的"英文
  7. "得意洋洋"英文
  8. "得意洋洋的"英文
  9. "得意洋洋的 - 绝望的"英文
  10. "得意洋洋的,振奋的"英文


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