待遇: treatment丰厚: thick的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...工作: work; operation; working; op ...薪水丰厚的工作: richly-paid job待遇优厚的工作: a well-paid job丰厚的酬金: the market staged a modest rally丰厚的礼品: generous gifts丰厚的利润: generous profits丰厚的薪金: huge salaries内质丰厚的水果: fleshy fruit丰厚的退休金[退伍奖金]。: golden handshake〔口语〕优厚的工资。: long shillings丰厚: 1.(多而厚实) thick 绒毛丰厚 rich and thick fur2.(丰富) rich and generous 丰厚的礼品 generous gifts爸爸的工作: my father's job卑鄙的工作: dirty work笨拙的工作: bungle泵的工作轮: pump runner毕生的工作: lifework编写aip的工作: the preparation of aip草率的工作: slapdash work承揽的工作: contracted works吃力的工作: swot出色的工作: remarkable job粗重的工作: heavy manual labour