You've certainly been doing some grand work with the russians . 你和俄国人在一起确实做了些很出色的工作。
Unconsciously each of these two parties put in some splendid work for the other party, in so much that each of them thoroughly exposed the hypocrisy of the other . 这两个党互相攻击,把对方的虚假伪善揭露得淋漓尽致,这样倒无意识地替另一党派干了不少出色的工作。
Everybody in the city praised him for his good work 全城每个人都表扬他出色的工作。
We want to thank you again for the great job you did 我们想要再次感谢你所做的出色的工作。
出色: outstanding; remarkable; spl ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...工作: work; operation; working; op ...工作很出色的人: on the ball可靠能干但不出色的工人: reliable and competent but not outstanding worker出色的: colorific; crack; excellent; finer; illustrious; nailing; peachy; remarkable job; spiffy; standout; such; superb表示;暗号;出色的: signal出色的;优等的: excellent出色的表现: outstanding performance出色的才能: brilliant talent出色的成绩: effort出色的人: crack; doozer; smasher; stunner出色的跳跃: a superb jump非常出色的: not a half极出色的: fantabulous; superduper极出色的人: humdinger极为出色的: supereminent赞扬,你赞扬大家的工作完成得很出色: commend据说这所大学有一个非常出色的工程学院: i have been told it has a good engineering school不出色的女孩: plain jane出色的女骑手: a fine horsewoman非常出色的人: lollapalooza有能力的;出色的: able工作出色: excel in one‘s work; excel in one’s work出色的高尔夫球手: a mean golfer chessplayer etcc