丰厚: thick的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...酬金: monetary reward; remuneratio ...服务的酬金: a reward for services rendered丰厚的礼品: generous gifts丰厚的利润: generous profits丰厚的薪金: huge salaries经折算的酬金: commuted gratuity〈加拿大〉议员的酬金: sessional indemnity一次过领取的酬金: lump sum gratuity; lumsum gratuity待遇丰厚的工作: a well-paid job内质丰厚的水果: fleshy fruit薪水丰厚的工作: richly-paid job根据最终年假计算的酬金: gratuity relating to the final annual leave丰厚的退休金[退伍奖金]。: golden handshake丰厚: 1.(多而厚实) thick 绒毛丰厚 rich and thick fur2.(丰富) rich and generous 丰厚的礼品 generous gifts出卖别人使被处死而得的酬金: blood money根据所完成在港服务期而计算的酬金: gratuity relating to the completed period of resident service他付给他一英镑作为帮忙的酬金: she gave him a pound for his help酬金: monetary reward; remuneration; service fees; [美俚] kickback 给酬金 10英镑 offer a reward of £ 10; 凡能将他遗失的钱寻回者可得到酬金。 a reward will be paid to anyone who brings back the money that he lost厚的: crassus; dense; macro; thick公平的酬报: equitable remuneration外在的酬赏: extrinsicrewards丰厚见面礼: golden hello丰厚收入: abundant income