年: year能源: the sources of energy; energ ...统计: statistics; census; numerica ...年鉴: yearbook; almanac世界能源统计年鉴: yearbook of world energy statistics能源统计: energy statistics能源统计股: energy statistics unit统计年鉴: statistic yearbook; statistical yearbook电信统计年鉴: yearbook of telecommunication statistics国联统计年鉴: statistical yearbook of the league of nations劳工统计年鉴: yearbook of labor statistics; yearbook of labour statistics人口统计年鉴: demographic yearbook中国统计年鉴: china statistical yearbook环境和能源统计处: environment and energy statistics branch; environmentandenergystatisticsbranch联合王国能源统计: united kingdom energy statistics能源统计数据库: energy statistics database世界能源统计评论: statistical review of world energy对外贸易统计年鉴: kulkereskedelmi statisztikai evkonyv分国帐户统计年鉴: yearbook of national accounts statistics工业产品统计年鉴: industrial commodity statistics yearbook国际贸易统计年鉴: yearbook of international trade statistics国际农业统计年鉴: international yearbook of agricultural statistics; iyas国际商品统计年鉴: yearbook of international commodity statistics国家核算统计年鉴: yearbook of national accounts statistics建筑业统计年鉴: constructionstatisticsyearbook