

  • kulkereskedelmi statisztikai evkonyv


        对外贸易:    trade with foreign countries ...
        统计:    statistics; census; numerica ...
        年鉴:    yearbook; almanac
        对外贸易统计:    foreign trade statistics
        国际贸易统计年鉴:    yearbook of international trade statistics
        非洲对外贸易统计:    foreign trade statistics for africa
        国际海运贸易统计年鉴:    international seaborn trade statistics yearbook
        欧洲对外贸易统计联盟货物名词术语):    the nomenclature of goods for the external trade statistics of the community and statics of trade between member states
        亚洲及太平洋的对外贸易统计:    foreign trade statistics for asia and the pacific
        欧洲对外贸易统计联盟工业产品通用名词术语:    common nomenclature of industrial products
        统计年鉴:    statistic yearbook; statistical yearbook
        电信统计年鉴:    yearbook of telecommunication statistics
        国联统计年鉴:    statistical yearbook of the league of nations
        劳工统计年鉴:    yearbook of labor statistics; yearbook of labour statistics
        人口统计年鉴:    demographic yearbook
        中国统计年鉴:    china statistical yearbook
        贸易统计:    statistics of trade
        对外贸易外贸:    foreign trade external trade
        对外贸易:    foreign trade; external trade◇对外贸易乘数 foreign trade multiplier; 对外贸易单位价值指数 foreign trade unit value index; 对外贸易额 value of foreign trade; 对外贸易额指数 idex number of the amount of foreign trade; 对外贸易管制 foreign trade control; 对外贸易价格指数 idex number of the prices of foreign trade; 对外贸易量 physical volume [quantum] of foreign trade; 对外贸易垄断 monopoly of foreign trade; 对外贸易逆差 foreign trade deficit; unfavorable balance of trade; 对外贸易区 foreign trade zone; 对外贸易商 foreign trader; 对外贸易收入 return of foreign trade; 对外贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade export duties; foreign trade surplus; 对外贸易体制 structure of foreign trade; 对外贸易银行 foreign trade bank; 对外贸易政策 foreign trade policy; 对外贸易指数 foreign trade index number; 对外贸易中心 foreign trade centre; 对外贸易仲裁 foreign trade arbitration; 对外贸易仲裁委员会 foreign trade arbitration commission; 对外贸易专营制 exclusive control of foreign trade by the state; 对外贸易资金融通 foreign trade financing; 对外贸易组织机构 foreign trade organizations and institutions
        对外贸易部:    ministry of foreign trade
        对外贸易额:    foreign trade turnover; the volume of foreign trade; turnover of foreign trade; value of foreign trade
        对外贸易港:    open port
        对外贸易局:    foreign trade bureau
        对外贸易量:    quantum of foreign trade
        对外贸易区:    foreign trade zone


  1. "对外贸易收支"英文
  2. "对外贸易数据中心"英文
  3. "对外贸易顺差"英文
  4. "对外贸易体制"英文
  5. "对外贸易统计"英文
  6. "对外贸易外贸"英文
  7. "对外贸易委员会"英文
  8. "对外贸易物量"英文
  9. "对外贸易协会"英文
  10. "对外贸易学院"英文


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