世界: world; global; earth能源: the sources of energy; energ ...统计: statistics; census; numerica ...年鉴: yearbook; almanac年能源统计年鉴: energy statistics yearbook ... xx世界能源统计评论: statistical review of world energy能源统计: energy statistics能源统计股: energy statistics unit统计年鉴: statistic yearbook; statistical yearbook世界能源: world energy sources; worlds energy resource电信统计年鉴: yearbook of telecommunication statistics国联统计年鉴: statistical yearbook of the league of nations劳工统计年鉴: yearbook of labor statistics; yearbook of labour statistics人口统计年鉴: demographic yearbook中国统计年鉴: china statistical yearbook世界能源大会: congress of the world-energy-council世界能源供应: world energy supplies; world energy supply; worlds energy supply世界能源公司: worldwide energy corp世界能源会议: wec; world energy conference世界能源经济: world energy economy世界能源评估: world energy assessment世界能源前景: world energy prospect世界能源市场: worlds energy market世界能源需求: worlds energy requirement环境和能源统计处: environment and energy statistics branch; environmentandenergystatisticsbranch