- mysterious
- 帮: help; assist
- 弄: do; manage; handle; fetch; g ...
- 玄虚: deceitful trick; mystery
- 的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 故弄玄虚: kick up a cloud of dust; be deliberately mystifying; cast [throw] a mist before sb.'s eyes; deliberately to make things look mysterious; mystifying; make a mystery of ...; make things look unnecessarily mysterious; purposely to turn simple things [matters] into mysteries; play dishonest juggling tricks; purposely to mislead people with one's mystery stories; purposely to envelop the idea in an obscure language; purposely to mystify people with strange ideas; purposely to make a mystery of simple things; use a sleight of hand to fool people; use intrigues and tricks