空: leave empty or blank; empty; ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...空虚: hollow; void; aeriality; ina ...空的, 空虚的, 没有思想的: vacuous空的,空虚的 无所不知的: vacuous omniscient空虚的: empty; flatulent; gaseous; hollow; inane; moonshiny; shadowy; vacant; vacuous; vain; vapory; void肠内空虚的: acoprous空虚的感觉: empty feeling空虚的人们: the hollow men头脑空虚的: rattlebrained; rattleheaded; rattlepated头脑空虚的人: rattlebrain; rattlehead; rattlepate我空虚的心灵: a hole inside my heart肠胃气胀的,空虚的,浮夸的: flatulent存在这如此空虚的世界: in world so hollow肥皂泡;短暂而空虚的好景。: soap bubble空虚的生活里,我等待得太久: wating through an empty life too long饮下的酒,充满我空虚的一页: drink for beauty and fill my blank page虚的: dummy; empty; imaginary; phantom; spurious; virtual被困于痛苦中,我空虚的度过着每一天: i"ve spent my time in vain trapped inside pain空虚的, 茫然若失的, 无所事事的, 空洞的: vacuous空虚: hollow; void; aeriality; inanity; inanition 思想空虚 lack mental or spiritual ballast; be impractical in one's thinking; 敌人后方空虚。 the enemy rear is weakly defended. 她丈夫的去世使她在生活中感到茫然空虚。 the death of her husband left a big blank in her life. 他心中有悲痛的空虚感. there was an aching void in his heart她发现毒品是填补内心的空虚的另一种方法: so she found crack is another way to fill在他看来生活使空虚的,生存也只是一种负担: life to him seemed hollowed, and existence but a burden空的: barren; blank; blind; cavitate; clear; devoid; disengage; dumb; dummy; emempty; empth; empty catch block; empty, idle, null emp; free; hollow vacuous; ken; leer; mt empty; nulla; tenantless; tubular; unfruitful; unoccupied; vacant; vain; windy谦虚的: chaste; d.humble; mo dest; modest; unambitious; unassertive; unobtrusive