对眼: to one's liking; to one's ta ...睛: eyeball和: mix; blend呼吸系统: respiratory system; systema ...有: 5年 fifteen years对眼睛和皮肤有刺激性: irritating to eyes and skin对呼吸系统和皮肤有刺激性: irritating to respiratory system and skin刺激呼吸系统: irritating to respiratory system消化系统和呼吸系统: digestive system and respiratory system有刺激性: mellow and thick有刺激性的: excitative; excitatory; hot; stimulating烧伤皮肤,眼睛,呼吸系统: burn skin, eyes, respiratory tract消化系统和呼吸系统的发生: development of digestive and respiratory system; development of digestive and respiratorysystem刺激的, 有刺激性的: stimulating浓味, 有刺激性味道: strong taste爽适甘厚有刺激性: mellow and thick有刺激性的海生物: acalephae呼吸系统: air induction system; bibs; breathing system; re iratorysystem; respiration system; systema respiratorium; the respiratory system呼吸系统药: respiratory system drug对眼睛: irritating to eyes respiratory system and skin含有刺激性物质的面膜: facial masks containing irritating ingredients保护呼吸系统: respiratory protection闭路呼吸系统: close circuit breathing system呼吸系统标本: respiratory specimens呼吸系统不适: respiratory irritation