对: answer; reply沿: water's edge; bank波束: wave beam; beam; wave packet飞行: flight; flying; aviate; voya ...无: not have; there is not; be w ...信心: confidence; faith的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...领航员: aeronavigator; pilot; bar pi ...沿波束飞行: flying the beam; riding无信心的: ungodly飞行领航员: flight navigator飞行员,领航员: pilot沿无线电波束飞行: fly the beam; radio-beam flying飞行员兼领航员: pilot navigator驾驶员,飞行员,领航员,: pilot无信心: ungodliness/unholiness; unholiness树立信心的飞行: confidence maneuver领航员: aerogator; aeronavigator; anbinder; anschlaeger; co- driver; co-driver; flight navigator; high-altitude bookkeeper; human navigator; navigating jack; navigating officer; navigation officer; navigator crewmember; navigtor; pilot; reveal; sea gull; second officer按信标波束飞行时的不安定性: instability on localizer驾束飞行: beam flying; beam riding; ride the beam长机领航员: lead navigator第二领航员: second navigator第一领航员: first navigator飞碟领航员: flight of the navigator飞机领航员: aircraft navigator