含有: contain; have; import物质: matter; substance; material的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...面膜: facemask刺激性物质: stimulating substance有刺激性: mellow and thick有刺激性的: excitative; excitatory; hot; stimulating剌激性物质: irritating substance刺激的, 有刺激性的: stimulating浓味, 有刺激性味道: strong taste爽适甘厚有刺激性: mellow and thick有刺激性的海生物: acalephae对眼睛和皮肤有刺激性: irritating to eyes and skin刺激性化学物质: harsh chemicals放射性物质的排除: radiation exclusion放射性物质的运输: transportation of radioactive material抗污染物质的刺激: antipollution incentives对呼吸系统和皮肤有刺激性: irritating to respiratory system and skin对眼睛和呼吸系统有刺激性: irritating to eyes and respiratory system吉姆想去有刺激性的地方。(不太懂,请指正): tom wants to go where the action is低剂量放射性物质的分析: low-level analysis低剂量放射性物质的计数: low-level counting放射性物质的半衰期: radioactive half life; radioactivehalflife放射性物质的豁免物品: exempt items of radioactive substances高放射性物质的工作: hot operation