

  • benchmark
  • 对比:    contrast; comparison; balanc ...
  • :    40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...
  • 原始:    original; firsthand
  • 样品:    sample; specimen; prototype; ...
  • 商用原始设备制造商:    coem commercial original equipment manufacturer


        对比:    contrast; comparison; balanc ...
        :    40分钟跑完全程 run the course in 4 ...
        原始:    original; firsthand
        样品:    sample; specimen; prototype; ...
        商用原始设备制造商:    coem commercial original equipment manufacturer
        荧光强度对比样品:    masterstone of fluorescence degree
        样品:    sample; specimen; prototype; exponent 这和样品相符。 it comes up to sample
        对比:    1.(相对比较) contrast; comparison; balance 明显的对比 a flagrant contrast; 强烈的对比 a poignant contrast; 有力的对比 forceful contrast; 把鸟和鱼作对比 contrast birds with fishes; 构成鲜明的对比 form a sharp contrast; 今昔对比 contrast the present with the past; 使(力量等) 对比有利于 ... tip the balance in favour of ...; 作者在本书中, 把善与恶作了对比。 in this book the writer contrasts good with [and] evil.2.(比例) ratio 双方人数对比是一对四。 the ratio between the two sides is one to four.; 对比错觉 contrast illusion; 对比等温线 reduced isothemal; 对比定律 contrast law; 对比方程 reduced equation; 对比放大 contrast amplification; 对比分析 comparative analysis; 对比灵敏度 contrast sensitivity; contrast sensibility; 对比率 contrast ratio; 对比粘度计 viscomparator; 对比染剂 contrast stain; 对比染色法 contrast staining; 对比色 contrast colour; 对比试验 contrast test; 对比体积 [热学] reduced volume; 对比图 collation map; 对比温度 reduced temperature; 对比效应 contrast effect; 对比压强 [热学] reduced pressure; 对比研究 contrast studies; 对比语言学 contrastive linguistics; 对比值 [热学] reduced value [property]; 对比状态 corresponding state
        原始:    1.(最初的) original; firsthand 原始所有人 original owner; 原始协议 original agreement; 原始资料 firsthand information; primary data2.(最古老的; 未开发的) primeval; primitive 原始部落 primitive tribe; 原始公社 primitive commune; 原始社会 primitive society; 原始文化 primitive culture; 保留着原始纯真的风俗 customs preserved in primitive integrity; 原始成本 original cost; first cost; 原始单据 source document; 原始档案 raw file; 原始概念 protonotion; 原始环境 primal environment; 原始积累 primitive accumulation; 原始记录 original record; source record; home record; 原始林 virgin forest; primary forest; virgin woodland; old growth; 原始林区 primitive area; 原始农业 infant farming; 原始森林 primeval forest; virgin forest; 原始生活 nature; 原始投资 initial capitalization; 原始证据 primary [original] evidence; 原始支票 original check; 原始植物 primordial plant; 原始状态 initial state; reset condition; 原始资本 original capital; seed capital
        备用原图:    safety copy
        代用原文:    textual surrogate
        垫用原料:    material advanced
        反作用原理:    principle of reaction; reaction principle
        利用原子能:    burn
        弃用原则:    principle of disuse
        巧用原料:    to make best use of materials
        失用原则:    disuse principle
        实用原则:    functional principle
        通用原则:    principle of ubiquitousness
        印刷用原稿:    printer′s copy
        应用原理图:    application schematic diagram
        语用原则:    pragmatic principle
        造纸用原木:    pullogs
        制材用原木:    saw-log
        制浆用原木:    pulpwood stick


  1. "对比研究"英文
  2. "对比液"英文
  3. "对比因数"英文
  4. "对比因素"英文
  5. "对比因子"英文
  6. "对比语调"英文
  7. "对比语言学"英文
  8. "对比原理"英文
  9. "对比增强"英文
  10. "对比增强磁共振血管造影"英文


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