审判: bring to trial; try地: the earth的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...诉讼: lawsuit; litigation; legal a ...原则: principle审判地: venue selection诉讼原因: cause of action; grounds of action审判地点: venue审判地法: rules of forum审判地法律: law of the forum审判地国: state of the forum中止诉讼原因: abate a cause of cation审判,诉讼: iudicium案由, 诉讼理由, 诉讼原因: cause of action诉讼原因, 诉讼理由: grounds of action指定审判地点, 决定审判地点: fix the venue巡回审判地区: area covered by such a journey指定审判地点: lay the venue导致的诉讼: lawsuit盗窃的诉讼: actio furti对物的诉讼: actiones in rem假定的诉讼: fictitious action监护的诉讼: tutela actio漫长的诉讼: a civil action轻率的诉讼: reckless litigation