What is this sinking feeling i have seeing you in so much pain 当我眼看你身处宠大的痛苦中,这种下沉的感觉是什么
The company is a big one of it ' s kind with modernized management " good quality " , " well - know " br as it ' s spirit 同时拥有服务周到热忱、技术精湛的宠大安装队伍等,是目前橱柜行业规模较大的生产企业之一。
The company is a big one of it " s kind with modernized management and " good quality " , " well - know " brand as it " s spirit 同时拥有服务周到热忱、技术精湛的宠大安装队伍等,是目前橱柜行业规模较大的生产企业之一。
It is a staggering figure , up by more than 50 % on the previous year and more than three times the number for india , the emerging asian giant with which china is most often compared 这个宠大的数据,较于去年增加了50 % ,它比中国最常相提并论的新兴亚洲大国- -印度上网人数多达三倍以上。
The database of hospital information sysytem ( his ) is specialized by its large input / output datas , frequency data delete / update / insert and it requires the database to process the datas with efficiency , timely and accuracy 医院信息系统( his )数据库具有高吞吐量,数据删除更新插入操作频繁,数据繁杂宠大,且要求能高效、及时、准确进行数据处理的特点。
宠: dote on; bestow favour on; p ...大: big; large宠儿: favourite; minion 命运的宠儿 a favourite of fate; a minion of fortune 宠宠物可以设定是否捡取物品以及数量: petloot宠坏: spoil 宠坏的孩子 a spoiled child宠臣: favorite; minion宠坏;溺爱: spoil/indulge宠爱自己: cherish ourselves宠坏的孩子: a spoiled child宠爱之名: for beloved one宠坏的小羊将成为脾气坏的大羊: a poor man who takes a rich wife has a ruler not a wife宠爱者: favorer; favourer