实验室: laboratory里: in; inside必须: must; have to; be obliged to ...保持: keep; hold; retain; maintain ...井井有条: be arranged in good order; b ...井井有条: be arranged in good order; be in apple-pie order; be shipshape and orderly; in an orderly manner; in good order; in perfect order; methodical 井井有条地工作 work methodically; 实验室里必须保持井井有条。 a laboratory must be kept in good order. 他惊奇地发现房间被彻底打扫了, 一切都布置得井井有条。 he was surprised to find his room thoroughly cleaned and everything arranged in perfect order使井井有条: put sth. in order必须保持: mandatory retention井井有条, 十分整齐: apple-pie order井井有条的生活: an ordered life井井有条地工作: work methodically井井有条的,有序的,有条理的: ordonné, e adj帮助某人变得更井井有条: help sb get more organized将事情搞得井井有条: make things ready井井有条,处于良好状态: in order但是我必须保持这权利: but he just kept right on你必须保持衣着整洁: you must keyour clothes clean事前必须保持湿湿脚: get your feet wet同时他必须保持他的歌声: and he just kept on singing实验室里的发动机: laboratory engine帮助某人、某人自己变得更井井有条: help sb/oneself get more organized压力保持井: pressure-support well实验室里的生活周期: life cycles on the line在实验室里制备的接种体: laboratory-prepared inoculum标底必须保密: if a tenderer has a base bid price it must be kept secret and confidential