实体: substance entity到: 39色带: cingula; colour bar顶端: spire; top; apex; peak; tip; ...填充: padding; filling; fill; pack ...区域: area; beat; reach; domain; p ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...顶部: top; upper apex; top half; h ...填充到区域的顶部: solid to toof zone实体到色带顶端: solid to toof zone地理区域的顶级域名集: top-level domains: geographic鞭子的顶端: whiplash舵轴的顶端: rudderhead胚轴的顶端: tip of the embryo axis世界的顶端: on toof the world在……的顶端: at the toof; on toof墙的顶部: coping在…的顶部: on toof区域的: areal; domestic; postscribed id; regional; territorial鞭子的顶端, 鞭绳: whiplash侵染线的顶端: tip of infection thread片体到辅助实体: sheets to solid assistant本土的;区域的: domestic古区域的: palaeoareal南极区域的: antarctic