The round columnar joints are one of the flow structures showing the horozontal emplacement of basic dyke swarms . the round columnar joints show that the basic dyke has rheological behaviour of the viscous shearing in magma emplacement 岩墙发育圆柱状节理表明出露的是岩墙的顶部,反映基性岩墙群侵位时岩浆具有黏滞性剪切作用的流变学特征。
墙: wall的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...顶部: top; upper apex; top half; h ...在…的顶部: on toof机身的顶部进气道: top fuselage inlet山或波浪等的顶部: the highest or culminating point the peak陶轮的顶部表面: wheel head填充到区域的顶部: solid to toof zone闸门的顶部构架: top frame of gate站在台阶的顶部: stand at the head of the stairs表土下硬岩层的顶部: rock head复式滑动刀架的顶部滑板: compound rest top阴云的顶部阴沉沉的: toof overcast; top of overcast实体到色带顶端;填充到区域的顶部: solid to toof zone顶部: top; upper apex; top half; headpiece; roof; ridge; meplat (弹丸的)薄墙的: thin-walled山墙的: gabled; pedimental隔墙的女人: the woman next door靠墙的桌子: side table没有围墙的: fenceless墙到墙的: wall-to-wall墙的凹凸面: jog墙的勒脚: plinth墙的门槽: wall hollow; wallrecess墙的通道: wall run