

  • physical file maintenance


        实体:    substance entity
        档案:    files; archives; record; dos ...
        维护:    safeguard; defend; uphold; k ...
        实体档案:    physical file
        实体档案名:    physical file name
        实体档案成员:    physical file member
        实体档案定义:    physical file definition
        实体档案复制:    physical file copy
        实体档案格式:    physical file format
        实体档案结构:    physical file structure
        实体档案空间:    physical file space
        实体档案系统:    physical file system,pfs
        实体档案组织:    physical file organization
        字体档案:    font file
        多媒体档案格式:    avi
        维护实体:    me maintenance entity
        维护子实体:    mse maintenance subentity
        档案实体分类:    physical archives c1assification; physical archives classification
        维护实体功能:    mef maintenance entity function
        用户接入维护实体:    same subscriber access maintenance entity; subscriber access maintenance entity
        方案维持费:    maintenance of ... programme
        整体档板:    solid shield
        实体:    1.[哲学] substance2.[法律] entity 一个独立的政治实体 an independent political entity; 经济实体 economical entity; 德国东西方统一后就是一个统一的政治实体了。 since the east and west germanies were unified they are a polictical entity
        档案:    files; archives; record; dossier◇档案保管 archives keeping; 档案编目 cataloguing of file; 档案标记 file signal; 档案分类 classification of documents; 档案复制 reproduction of documents; 档案工作 archives work; 档案管理 archives administration; 档案管理员 filer; file clerk; 档案馆 archives establishment; 档案柜 file; 档案记录 case record; 档案鉴定 verification of documents; 档案卡片 file card; 档案考证 research on documents; 档案利用 utilization of archives; 档案室 archives office; 档案收集 collection of documents; 档案统计 archival statistics; 档案销毁 destruction of documents; 档案修复 repair of documents; 档案学 archival science; 档案整理 archives arrangement
        维护:    safeguard; defend; uphold; keep; maintain; upkeep 维护法律面前人人平等的原则 uphold the principle that all men are equal before the law; 维护国家主权 defend state sovereignty; 维护民族尊严 vindicate national honour; defend national honour; 维护人民的利益 safeguard the people's interests; 维护安定团结 uphold [maintain] unity and stability; 维护国际和平与安全 maintenance of international peace and security; 维护世界和平 safeguard world peace; 维护世界和平力量 forces working for safeguarding world peace; 维护祖国统一 safeguard the unity of the motherland; 维护团结 uphold unity; 维护人民的权利 maintain the people's rights; 维护正义 the maintenance of justice


  1. "实体档案复制"英文
  2. "实体档案格式"英文
  3. "实体档案结构"英文
  4. "实体档案空间"英文
  5. "实体档案名"英文
  6. "实体档案系统"英文
  7. "实体档案组织"英文
  8. "实体到色带顶端"英文
  9. "实体到色带顶端;填充到区域的顶部"英文
  10. "实体的"英文


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