闸门: sluice gate; gate; water gat ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...顶部: top; upper apex; top half; h ...构架: carcass; panel work; frame; ...闸门的边端构架: side frame of gate leaf首部构架: bow framing外部构架: external truss尾部构架: stern framing下部构架: bottom outrigger顶部构件: top member墙的顶部: coping在…的顶部: on toof带闸门的管: gated pipe双闸门的: double gate无闸门的: ungated有闸门的坝段: gas block; gate block有闸门的船坞: basin装有闸门的堰: gated weir机身的顶部进气道: top fuselage inlet山或波浪等的顶部: the highest or culminating point the peak陶轮的顶部表面: wheel head填充到区域的顶部: solid to toof zone站在台阶的顶部: stand at the head of the stairs设有“吞纳尔”式闸门的坝: thenard shutter表土下硬岩层的顶部: rock head