The automate control of twin - valve siphon filter 虹吸式双阀滤池的自动控制
Twin disc check valves can be installed horizontally or in the vertical position with flow up 双阀瓣止回阀可以安装在水平位置,或流向朝上的垂直位置。
Parallel slide or double disc valves tend to leak after a short period in this service 平行滑动或双阀瓣阀门在这种应用场合中经过短暂使用后,容易出现泄漏。
Note : twin disc check valves can be installed horizontally or in the vertical position with flow up 注意:双阀瓣止回阀能够安装在水平或流向朝上的垂直位置。
Note : sccv closing mode and double seat differential pressure machinery are installed in the same unit , the life is long 注: sccv关闭方式和双阀座差压机构安装在同一单元内,寿命长久。