The automate control of twin - valve siphon filter 虹吸式双阀滤池的自动控制
Twin disc check valves can be installed horizontally or in the vertical position with flow up 双阀瓣止回阀可以安装在水平位置,或流向朝上的垂直位置。
Parallel slide or double disc valves tend to leak after a short period in this service 平行滑动或双阀瓣阀门在这种应用场合中经过短暂使用后,容易出现泄漏。
Note : twin disc check valves can be installed horizontally or in the vertical position with flow up 注意:双阀瓣止回阀能够安装在水平或流向朝上的垂直位置。
Note : sccv closing mode and double seat differential pressure machinery are installed in the same unit , the life is long 注: sccv关闭方式和双阀座差压机构安装在同一单元内,寿命长久。
The inner is equipped with large displacement double seats differential pressure machinery and sccv closing system , small size and large displacement 内部装有大排量的双阀座差压机构和sccv关闭系统,体积小而排量大。
This trap adopts parallel double valve seats , thus the capacity of water discharge is enlarged . it can satisfythe working condition of discharge frozen water in large quantity 该阀采用平行双阀府,因而增大了排水能力,能满足大量排除凝结水的工况。
Fifth , a methods based on the above spatial and temporal result was brought forward to obtain the final , a two threshold method was proposed 第五章介绍时空联合提取技术,在这章中我们研究了采用双阀值进行前、后景判定的方法,提高了提取对象的准确性。
A new type of metal seal structure with double stub shaft moving disk butterfly valve was presented . the structure , characteristic and work principle of it was studied 摘要提出了一种金属硬密封蝶阀新结构双阀杆蝶板移动式金属硬密封蝶阀,讨论了此阀的结构、工作原理及特点。
Secondly , with commercial cfd code - fluent , three dimensions turbulence flow fields of fixed - valve trays with single valve and double valves were computeed by means of rng k - e turbulence model in the system of lagrange 同时,采用商业计算流体力学软件fluent软件包对固定阀进行几何建模和网格划分,采用rng -湍流模型,计算了固定阀单阀和双阀塔板的二维和三维流场。