

  • two-engine inoperative climb
  • :    two; twin; both; dual
  • :    hair
  • 停车:    stop; pull up
  • 上升:    rise; go up; ascend
  • 单发停车上升:    engine failure climb; one-engine inoperative climb


        :    two; twin; both; dual
        :    hair
        停车:    stop; pull up
        上升:    rise; go up; ascend
        单发停车上升:    engine failure climb; one-engine inoperative climb
        双发停车的飞行状态:    two-engine-out condition
        单发停车起飞:    engine out takeoff; one-engine-out takeoff
        单发停车着陆:    one-engine-inoperative landing
        单发停车飞行能力:    one-engine-out capability
        双发故障停车:    double engine failure
        双发同时停车:    double engine flameout
        游车上升最高点:    upper pickup
        双发:    bi-motor ; twin-engine
        单发停车最低高度复飞速度:    engine-out discontinued approach speed
        车上:    board
        停车沿上升轨道飞行:    coast uphill
        自发停止:    spontaneous cessation
        停车:    1.(车辆停留或停止行驶) stop; pull up 下一站停车十分钟。 at the next station we'll have a ten-minute stop.2.(停放车辆) park 此处不准停车! no parking!3.(机器停止转动) stall; stop working; engine cutout; motor stoppage; power-off; 停车保养 shut-down maintenance; 停车标志 parking sign; 停车场 parking lot; ground parking; parking; car park; parking area; 停车规则 parking ordinance; (短时) 停车收费计 waiting meter; 停车位置 on-position; 停车信号灯 dimmer
        双发射:    double launch
        上升:    rise; go up; ascend 气温上升。 the temperature is going up. 他的成绩上升到全班第一名。 he has climbed to the head of his class. 我们的生产稳步上升。 our production goes steadily up. 这个行动制止了英镑的下跌, 但是未能使比价有很大上升。 the move stopped the pound's decline but failed to bring about a significant rally.; 上升点 rising point; 上升动作 vertical motion; 上升功率 ascending power; 上升花序 ascending inflorescence; 上升角 [航空] angle of climb; 上升力 climbing power; 上升螺旋桨 lifting airscrew; 上升气流 anaflow; up-ward current; upflow; ascending air; up currnet; 上升失速 [航空] advance stall; 上升速度 rate of climb; rate of upward gradient; ascensional velocity; 上升运动 ascending motion; 上升转弯 [航空] pull-up turn; 上升状态 propradation
        瞬发停堆系数:    prompt shutdown coefficient
        双发动飞机:    dual motoredpiston; dualmotoredpiston
        双发动机:    bimotored◇双发动机飞机 twin engined airplane
        双发动机舱:    two-engine nacelle
        双发动机的:    bimotored; twin engine; twin-engine


  1. "双发射器零值法校准"英文
  2. "双发生器等效电路"英文
  3. "双发失误"英文
  4. "双发双收法"英文
  5. "双发停车的飞行状态"英文
  6. "双发同时停车"英文
  7. "双发延程飞行"英文
  8. "双发着陆"英文
  9. "双阀"英文
  10. "双阀瓣蝶阀"英文


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