

发音:   用"剪辑艺术"造句
  • cliart
  • 剪辑:    montage; cutting; film editi ...
  • 艺术:    art
  • 剪辑:    1.(电影制片工序之一) montage; cutting; film editing 电影剪辑机 motion-picture editing machine; movieola2.(剪裁重编) editing and rearrangement 电影录音剪辑 highlights of a live recording of a film; 剪辑机 [摄影学] editing machine; editor; 剪辑镜头编号 cut number; 剪辑设备 film editing equipment; 剪辑员 film-cutter; film-editor; 剪辑车间 film-editing department; 剪辑导演 montage director
  • 编辑,剪辑:    edit
  • 汇编,剪辑:    assem assemble


        剪辑:    montage; cutting; film editi ...
        艺术:    art
        剪辑:    1.(电影制片工序之一) montage; cutting; film editing 电影剪辑机 motion-picture editing machine; movieola2.(剪裁重编) editing and rearrangement 电影录音剪辑 highlights of a live recording of a film; 剪辑机 [摄影学] editing machine; editor; 剪辑镜头编号 cut number; 剪辑设备 film editing equipment; 剪辑员 film-cutter; film-editor; 剪辑车间 film-editing department; 剪辑导演 montage director
        编辑,剪辑:    edit
        汇编,剪辑:    assem assemble
        剪辑(图片):    crop
        剪辑版:    dts; fearless; the final cut
        剪辑点:    in-edit
        剪辑掉:    edit out = cut
        剪辑机:    editing machine; editor
        剪辑师:    editors; film cutter
        剪辑室:    room where film is edited
        剪辑台:    cutting and editing bench; cutting desk
        剪辑员:    editor
        剪辑者:    editor
        声剪辑:    sound editing
        条剪辑:    a&b cutting ab
        再剪辑:    re montage
        艺术:    1.(文艺) art 艺术至上主义 art for art's sake; 以艺术为职业 follow art as a profession2.(富有创造性的方法) skill; art; craft 领导艺术 art of leadership3.(形状独特而美观的) conforming to good taste 这座建筑装饰得很艺术。 the building is tastefully furnished.; 艺术编辑 editor; 艺术标准 artistic criterion; 艺术风格 artistic style; 艺术家 artist; 艺术节 arts festival; 艺术界 art circles;艺术剧院 art theater; 艺术联合会 art union; 艺术片 literary film; 艺术摄影 artistic photography; pictorial photography; 艺术体操 artistic gymnastics; 艺术天才 gift for art; artistic talent; 艺术团 art ensemble; troupe of musicians and artists; 艺术舞蹈 art-dance; 艺术型 artistic type; 艺术形式 artistic form; forms of art; 艺术性 artistic quality; artistry;艺术造型 design; 艺术造诣 artistic attainments; 艺术照片 exquisite photograph; 艺术指导 art director; 艺术字 characters in a fancy style
        保险丝,剪辑器:    fuseholders, clips, & hardware
        磁带剪辑:    editing of tape; tape editing
        搭接剪辑:    patch splice editing
        导演剪辑版:    director's cut; donnie darko; king arthur dc; kingdom of heaven
        电影剪辑:    film editing
        电影剪辑机:    editola; motion picture editing machine


  1. "剪辑私藏版"英文
  2. "剪辑台"英文
  3. "剪辑同步"英文
  4. "剪辑文本"英文
  5. "剪辑研究"英文
  6. "剪辑影片"英文
  7. "剪辑用正片"英文
  8. "剪辑与配音"英文
  9. "剪辑员"英文
  10. "剪辑照片"英文


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